
From time to time, our clients have faced difficult interviews with national news magazines, such as 60 Minutes, Dateline and national investigative print reporters.


La Torre Communications has worked with several confidential clients on communications plan, which includes:

  • Foster communication between company and board leadership to ensure there is a unified message.
  • Devise communications strategies for speaking with employees. Strong employee communication is necessary to maintain morale and keep the company moving forward. We prepare presentations and one-on-one scripts to help facilitate ongoing communication.
  • Provide staff with talking points and practice on how to communicate with clients.
  • Create and execute a media strategy to minimize impact and controversy. Strategies vary according to the circumstance, but we advocate for engaging with the media.
  • Draft statements and schedule interviews with all local media covering the story, when necessary.

During immediate crisis period, hold daily meetings with the client and legal counsel in an effort to continually analyze all messaging and adjust, when needed.


Every national investigation is different. We create unique strategies to help our clients navigate these intense situations and mitigate reputational damage.